woensdag 23 maart 2011

i bought a bass guitar 2 month's ago

i have baught a bass guitar and i'm practicing a lot with my brother who play's the drum's and a friend if mine that play's the guitar(both very good) but i don't have any knowlage of chord's so i thougt by asking some people about it would help me alot
please give me advise

15 opmerkingen:

  1. youtube.com is the best source for learning how to play any instrument.

    i learned all my guitar skills from there and it helped me a lot!!

  2. Sorry man, I only do decks :)
    +1follow and MC

  3. Can't! I've just bought a guitar! I'm extremely tonedeaf.

  4. When it comes to bass, you really don't want to focus too much on chords. The bass is much more well equipped for single notes, especially if you're playing a four string. The best advice I can give you is to look into finger exercises to help you build up speed and dexterity.

    I'm interested in seeing you progress, following!

  5. if you can read tablature there are great charts of chords you can even print out if you'd like.

  6. Put in the practice and get really good. It will be worth it...

  7. Nice! love playing the bass too

  8. Bass guitar > regular guitar

    That's all the advice I got. Practice.

  9. www.ultimate-guitar.com is great place for tabs.

  10. i have a four string beginner bass, don't know the name but if you want to make a song with a band you have got to know cord's because you can't play random note's or else the harmony with the guitarist doesn't sound right.
    thank you for advising me people.

  11. I'd like to get into bass. I play guitar at the moment though.

  12. i really reccomend getting a bass guitar, it's awesome and i do know how to plzy a couple of song's, i'll upload some on youtube and link them to you ok?

  13. What really helps when trying to learn the base is to actually play every day. You need to develop a feel for the rhythm.

  14. I've been playing bass for 2 years, excellent instrument.

    If you have good sense in melody then don't bother listening to anyone. Just play with your own style.
